Health & Weight Loss Misconceptions for Women 50+


  • Menopausal weight gain is impossible to lose.

  • Get used to your muffin top – it’s here to stay.

  • You can’t slow down aging once you’ve started to decline.

  • You can’t change habits at this stage of life.


  • The right foods and approach will produce results.

  • Belly fat is resistant, but not impossible to burn off.

  • You can slow aging and feel years younger.

  • Habits can be changed with the right strategy.

How can I lose 5+ pounds in 10 days?

With our Eat Live Thrive Lite-Detox Reboot Diet & Expert Live Coaching!

Tens of thousands of women have read our book and over 1,000 women have participated in our live coaching challenges with great results as you’ll see above and below.

It’s much easier than you may think. The 10-day eating plan is very simple and is designed to give you the quick jumpstart you need to see how much can change in 10 short days.

THEN…We will also give you a simple plan to keep the weight off…or continue to lose more!

Our Coaching is God-Centered

We know that our journeys toward lifestyle freedom were impossible to sustain without applying principles from God’s word and learning to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to give us perseverance. We rely on the Lord to give us wisdom for coaching. We know He wants us to dig into spiritual truths to help our women overcome strongholds related to food and their bodies.

Starting Soon!

Based on solid science and our own weight loss trial and error, we’ve cracked the code for losing weight for most women over 50!

Endorsed by …


“Eat Live,Thrive Diet gives accurate and practical insights and applications that will help women not only lose unwanted weight but also enhance their health in ways that could produce anti-aging results.”

Dr. Mark Stengler, naturopathic medical doctor and best-selling author.


“In Eat Live Thrive Diet, Danna and Robyn have passionately researched, lived, and committed themselves to share trailblazing information to inspire women to soar over the increasing physical hurdles they experience as they age. They give us hope that we can thrive beautifully as we dance through years.”

Patti Milligan, PhD, RD, CNS, natural foods and integrative medicine nutritionist.


“This is not a book of theory; it’s a practical, day-by-day manual on living your best life. If, like me, you want to have a strong, healthy body to serve God for as long as you can, this book is a gift.”

Sheila Walsh, author, and host on TBN Television Network.


Danna and Robyn were instrumental in helping me rebuild my wellness.  Their book feels like a personal coaching experience with the world’s foremost experts in body wellness for women. It also feels like a fun conversation with two girlfriends! 

Dannah Gresh, best-selling author of Lies Girls Believe

Why Should I Even Try?


You feel uncomfortable and unattractive in your clothes.


You hate having no energy or motivation.


You’re frustrated and need expert support and coaching to realize a breakthrough.


You need a quick reboot with results that give you hope.


You want to unlock the woman God designed you to be, body, soul, and spirit.

Here’s what some more of our clients have experienced:

Don't Miss Out!

When does the 10-Day Challenge begin?

It begins on Saturday, September 14th through Monday, September 23rd.
We’ll be teaching & coaching you 8 times over 10 days via Zoom.
We will also connect with you daily in the private Facebook group.

What’s included in the 10-Day Challenge?

Here’s Everything You’ll Get:
8 Live Zoom Coaching Sessions
Private Facebook Group
Daily Devotional Focus

Digital Resources:
Diet Guidelines
Workout Recommendations
Busy Woman Menu Plan & Recipes
Accountability Worksheets

With over 60 years of combined coaching experience between them, Danna and Robyn have worked with thousands of women who have almost given up on realizing a leaner and healthier body as they age. Thankfully, they didn’t!  

As a result, hundreds of women are losing weight, getting healthier, and benefiting from  their weekly live Zoom coaching through their Eat Live Thrive Academy membership.

Danna is a retired registered nurse that specialized in Labor & Delivery for many years. She’s the author of seven books and has spoken at numerous women’s conferences and retreats over the past 25 years.

Robyn is an advanced clinical weight loss practitioner trained by top doctors and scientists in the industry. She’s an avid researcher and the co-author of Eat Live Thrive Diet. 

While their professional experience qualifies them to coach with confidence, they both agree that it is their own journeys of dealing with weight and health issues that provides them with even greater wisdom and empathy for their clients. (See our letter below to read our stories.)

Danna Demetre – Age 72

Robyn Thomson – Age 58

Reaching Thousands of Mature Women
with Body-changing Strategies and God-centered Coaching

When the Eat Live Thrive Diet book hit the market in 2019, it soared to #1 in General Women’s Health on Amazon and stayed in the Top 100 in several categories for a full year. Danna and Robyn enjoyed being expert guests on many podcasts, radio, and television shows and newscasts. They also graced the cover of two magazines and were featured at various live events and book signings.



Life Today with Sheila Walsh

Channel 4 Phoenix

Channel 4 Phoenix

Time Sensitive!

“Walking this journey with Danna and Robyn and the group has made a tremendous difference to my success.  Eat, Live, Thrive is so much more than a “program”. It is a way of life free from bondage to food. I feel like I am gaining control of myself from the inside out. I am connecting my body, mind, and spirit. I am not just existing. I’m THRIVING!  I’m a work in progress and each day I break free of the chains that have bound me for so long.”  Mary Cay 

“By divine appointment, I found the “Eat, Live, Thrive Diet” book. I love the phrase that Danna and Robyn use, “Progress over Perfection.” I used to believe it was “All or Nothing” and now I know that it’s a day-to-day journey. Thank you, beautiful ladies, for your wisdom and direction. As of now, I’m down 55 lbs. and have lost 36-1/2 inches!  Diane M

“I was 56 years old and 25 pounds overweight. I was tired of carrying around menopausal weight that would not budge no matter how hard I tried. The weight and inches started coming off and I had increased energy. I felt healthy again. That was something I had not experienced for more than 10 years. Within six months, I lost 25 pounds and 28 inches. I’ve easily kept all the weight and inches off. I feel as if I’ve rolled back the clock 20 years!   Sandi T

“The first six months on the Eat Live Thrive Diet, I lost 37 lbs. I feel so much better! Thanks to the tips from Danna and Robyn, I did not even gain a pound when I went on vacation.”   LeCretia

“I’m wearing the same shirt in both pictures, but I had to tailor it many inches. The pants today are four sizes smaller than the picture on the left!  I can’t explain how excited I am to reach it to this point. I really appreciate all your support and encouragement Danna and Robyn! Thank you so much!”   Kari H

“I’m blown away by my results in 10 days!  Before, I looked 5 months pregnant and now…just WOW. This pic is literally “no sucking in” and the very same clothing. You are both an answer to prayer. I had tried everything for 3 years.”   Erin

A Note from Danna & Robyn

You may think that we have always been fit and lean and don’t understand the heartbreak and frustration of trying to lose weight, but you’d be wrong!

Robyn was a chubby child and teased relentlessly before losing weight in her teens. I (Danna) was a skinny child who gained weight in my teens and struggled with extreme emotional eating and bulimia for over ten years.

We both lost weight and were lean into our 40s…until peri-menopause when we each gained 15-20 pounds doing the same things we’d been doing. It was so frustrating!

Extensive research and lots of trial and error helped us crack the code for losing weight and keeping it off in our senior years. It worked and is still working for us at almost 58 (Robyn) and 72 (Danna). It’s working for countless other mature women as well. And…it can also work for you!

Unlike most virtual health coaches, we show up in a very personal way for our clients.  In our upcoming challenge, we’re offering 8 live Zoom coaching sessions and interacting daily in our private Facebook group.

If you were to hire a private nutritionist, personal trainer, or lifestyle coach, you would pay $75 to $150 per hour! We provide a lot of personalized feedback and troubleshooting in our live sessions. Plus, they’re all recorded so you can watch or listen later if you cannot attend live.

We love our clients and are honored to coach them toward healthier and leaner bodies. Life is so much more enjoyable when we look and feel our best. We invite you to join our community and see how God is working to help us become all He intended us to be – body, soul, and spirit.

In His power alone,

Danna & Robyn

It’s your choice… Stay stuck
Or… be set free like these women who took action


Who is This Challenge For?

This challenge is ideal for all women, but especially those 50+ who have not figured out how to get and stay lean in their pre/post menopausal years. If you’re a woman who’s been praying for a solution to release your excess weight and get your health back before it’s too late, this challenge is for you.

When And Where Will The Sessions Take Place?

The challenge begins on Saturday, September 14th and concludes on Monday, September 23rd.   This is a virtual event that allows you to join us online from wherever you are. Zoom coaching sessions will be offered at 9:00 am PT  most days and 4:00 pm on a couple of days (except for Sundays). We will send you an email reminder each day with a link to a member area where you can join us.

What if I Can’t Make It Live?  Does This Include Replays?

Yes, the replays will be available during the 10 days of the challenge. However, they will not be available after the challenge ends. In order to get the most out of this challenge, we highly encourage you to join us LIVE as much as you can. That way we can answer your specific questions and troubleshoot your challenges day by day.

What Results Can I Expect from the Challenge?

In our experience, we’ve found that most women following the protocol in the 10-Day Change Your Body Challenge lose between 5-15 pounds depending on how much extra weight they are carrying. They also see many improvements in energy, digestion, concentration and mental clarity.

Are Special Ingredients Required?

The 10-Day Change Your Body Challenge allows you to use simple ingredients that are easy to get from your local grocery store. There are a few recipes that may include an ingredient that is not in your pantry. For example, we recommend PureMonk Fruit extract or Stevia to increase the sweetness in some of our muffin and dessert-like recipes. You can use other healthy non-caloric sweeteners if you prefer. If you can’t find it at your local grocery, we provide links for you to order online if you choose, but it’s not required.

Can I Eat Out at Restaurants While I’m on the 10-Day Change Your Body Challenge?

Yes you can! We’ve included quite a few healthy suggestions for a variety of popular cuisines. Our coaching members find eating out using our tips is easy and enjoyable while still getting results.

If I’m Not Able to Attend, Will I get My Money Back?

Unfortunately, no. When you make the purchase, you commit to participating in the challenge.

What Kind of Support or Coaching Do You Offer After the 10-Day Challenge is Over?

We have several options for continued support that we’ll share with you and provide exclusive discounts for our challenge participants.

How Much Will the Challenge Cost?

Valued at: $69.95 – Your Special Pricing:

Only: $19.95

Personal, Live Coaching is Expensive!

A private nutritionist, personal trainer, or lifestyle coach will charge from
$75 to $150+ per hour.

With our challenge, you will get 8 hours of live expert coaching for less than $3 per session!

Al the sessions are recorded if you cannot attend live or if you want to rewatch them during the 10-day challenge.


If you keep doing the same things, nothing will change . . . it may even get worse:

• Your clothes will get tighter.
• Your energy will go down even more.
• You will age prematurely.
• You’ll be even more angry and frustrated with yourself.

If you join and participate in the 10-Day Change Your Body Challenge . . .

• Your clothes will fit better.
• Your energy will increase.
• Your skin will look more radiant.
• You’ll lose weight and feel great.
• You’ll be encouraged and motivated to live a healthier lifestyle.


Any communications on  from Danna Demetre, Robyn Thomson or their guests is for educational purposes only and should not be considered personalized medical advice. No action should be taken based solely on the verbal or written information provided. It is always important to consult your personal health professionals on any matter relating to health and well-being.

The works of authorship, including, but not limited to, all text, design, and images, are owned, except as otherwise expressly stated, by Danna Demetre and Robyn Thomson and Lean Healthy Ageless, LLC. and may not be copied, reproduced, transmitted, displayed, performed, distributed, sold, sub-licensed, altered, stored for subsequent use or otherwise used in whole or in part in any manner without the prior written consent of Danna Demetre or Robyn Thomson as provided under the Copyright Act of 1976 (17 U.S.C. §107), as amended.

CONTACT: For fastest response, email us at


In compliance with the FTC guidelines, please know that some of the links on this website or PDF’s associated with this challenge are affiliate links of which we receive a small commission, but the price is the same for you. Affiliate links are a way we help offset some of our website costs. If we post an affiliate link to a product, it is something that we personally use, support and would recommend without an affiliate relationship. Our first priority is always providing valuable information and resources to help you create positive changes in your life and we will only ever link to products or resources (affiliate or otherwise) that fit within this purpose.


The statements (appearing on this Web site) have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products offered by Eat Live Thrive Diet and Lean Healthy Ageless, LLC  are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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